Who Do I Turn To?

3 min readJun 4, 2023

There’s an old saying that “ What doesn’t kill you will make you stronger". Well I’m not so sure if that’s a positive for me at this point. I seem to be not only stronger but more resilient and downright mean from time to time.

I’m 46 and I’m struggling in almost every aspect of my life. Time doesn’t seem to be on my side about it either.

I’m desperately trying to start my career as a writer. Freelance writer. There are so many ways to start I’m not sure about which is best. I don’t have a lot of time more to waste trying things out and wasting money. I started writing here, on Medium. Hopefully this way I can build a portfolio. One thing for sure is once I get that knowledge under my belt I plan to share it.

I’m torn several different directions daily. I’m caring for my mother full time. Matter of fact, over the last 3 days, I’ve decided she can no longer live on her own. I myself have to move from where I live and have for over 12 years because my landlord is selling the property. That news broke my heart.

Now I not only need to figure out where my son,my 2 dogs and I are going but now I need to figure in an accommodation for my mother. I will not let her go live in a home. I vowed that long ago after my father passed away and she was alone.

Just like anyone else I am finding my way through life with mistakes and false hope. I am a GiGi to the most important two little people in my life….First and Foremost. I help my daughter and her fiance by keeping the kids every other…




I'm a 46 yr old female that doesn't see color. I love dogs, reading and writing. I'm hoping to one-day write as well as all that I've read.