My 3 Favorite Cleaning Hacks

4 min readJun 4, 2023

I appreciate things clean the quickest and easiest way possible. Did I mention the cheapest? Briefly I will summarize the top 3 cleaning hacks I’ve found useful and affordable.

  • #1. Lemons and all natural lemon juice clean the toughest grease and whiten clothes amazingly.
  • * The most important thing I’ve learned about lemons is how to store them. This is very important so that your lemons don’t go bad before you get to use them. Store them in the fridge in a container of water. This will keep them far longer than any other way of storing them.
Photo by Precious Plastic Melbourne on Unsplash

When my stove top is bad or I feel like it needs a deep clean I like to use lemons. First I make sure any loose crumbs are removed from the surface. Then I get some baking soda and sprinkle it around the areas of cooked food or spills that dried. Get a lemon and cut it in half. You will start with one half of the lemon. Squeeze it right into the baking soda that is on the problem areas. Sometimes I take my knife and cut four small slits around the lemon and push the open part of it directly onto the juice and baking soda. Mix it all around then let it sit. As it sits the smell of fresh lemons will sanitize the air in your kitchen. If you needed the other half of the lemon that’s alright but if you didn’t just throw the unused half into the water you will be storing them in. After 10–30 minutes, depending…




I'm a 46 yr old female that doesn't see color. I love dogs, reading and writing. I'm hoping to one-day write as well as all that I've read.